* Glossary of Paranormal Terminology

Cryptozoology: The study and pursuit of cryptids, creatures traditionally considered mythical, folkloric or previously extinct. Example: Bigfoot, chupacabra, Loch Ness Monster.

Disembodied Voice: A voice or noise that lacks an explainable source.

Elemental: Supernatural nature spirits that include fairies, trolls and banshees.

EVP: The abbreviation for “electronic voice phenomena,” which refers to noises of a paranormal nature that cannot be heard with the human ear but are recorded by electronic devices.

Ghost: Typically refers to the soul of a deceased human (or animal) that continues to exist in some form on an earthly plane without “crossing over.”

Inhuman Entity: A supernatural being -- such as a demon or jinn -- that did not begin its existence in human form.

Intelligent Haunting: Activity resulting from an aware ghost or spirit that interacts with its environment.

Orb: An often translucent, circular anomaly (or “ball of light”) seen in photography -- and sometimes with the naked eye -- that may be, depending on your theory, a bug, speck of dust, reflection, moisture or spirit energy.

Paranormal: Literally, “above normal,” it refers to anything outside or beyond current scientific explanation.

Paranormal Pop Culture: Term given to paranormal-themed movies, TV shows, comic books, video games, music and literature; also known as “entertainment of the unexplained.”

Pareidolia: Also known as “matrixing,” it is the brain’s perception of a meaningful pattern within random sounds or images.

Possession: The state where an entity inhabits and exerts a level of control over a living thing or object.

Preternatural: Instead of being connected to the spiritual realm, like supernatural matters, the preternatural applies to things that are of the natural world but currently unexplained.

Residual Haunting: Repetitive paranormal activity resulting from the energy imprint of a person or event in time.

Shadow Person: A commonly reported inky black humanoid entity that moves fast, it is often spotted out of the corner of the eye and has been interpreted to be anything from a ghost or demon to alien, time traveler or inter-dimensional being.

Spirit: As opposed to a ghost (see above), a spirit is normally the soul of the deceased that has crossed over and exists in a spiritual or metaphysical plane.

Supernatural: Typically referring to spiritual or religious matters, the laws of nature do not apply to this realm.

UFO: Abbreviation for “unidentified flying object” which does not necessarily apply to extraterrestrial or secret governmental commonly reported can be anything unknown spotted in the sky.                                                                    

Paranormal Investigator: One who investigates all things paranormal such as Ghosts, UFO's and urban legends.               


Urban Explorer: One who investigates anything abandoned such as buildings and Caves.




* Paranormal Activity, Hauntings and a Demonic Presence...

We believe that there is a difference between a paranormal activity, hauntings and a demonic presence.

Paranormal activity - 

This occurs every so often.  Most people tend to place the activity to imagination, forget fullness or just stress. You may Put down an object such as keys, eyeglasses in one place and finding them in another, hear a voice or footsteps or feel your being watched or someone else is with you. 


This is another matter. A haunting consists of activity occurring in your everyday life and is noticeable. It makes your life miserable and fearful. You will notice cabinet doors open by themselves, furniture moved, sounds like voices and footsteps, touching, apparitions, feelings of being watched, depression and personality changes with you or family members.

Demonic Presence 

This may seem very similar to a haunting but can become violent and injuries may occur to you or family members. Possession of a person is a possibility in a demonic presence.

If you have any of these occurrences happening to you or someone you know, contact us or clergy as per your religious beliefs.   

* Phases of paranormal activity.     

 Note: These Phases were created by NYPRA through our research.

* Phase One: Feeling of not being alone, Footsteps and noises, uneasy feeling

* Phase Two: All of the above including, things missing or moved, voices

* Phase Three: All of the above including, seeing things like shadows or seeing something in the corner of your eye    lights and electronics being turned on or off by themselves.

* Phase Four:  All of the above, including doors and cabinets opening and slamming shut, windows opening, very bad, depressive feeling, physical touching and injuries to a person (Pushing, Scratches, Bruises, Marks) apparitions seen, Foul smells, personality changes with family or yourself. If you witness this phase, it is a possible a haunting or demonic presence. If possible, stay out the home as much as possible and Seek help as soon as possible by a reputable paranormal group or religious clergy.